Why Mountbatten Brailler

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The Mountbatten is more than a belief. Its power is proved by research: „The Bluetooth® Smart Mountbatten, in combination with one of the most popular mainstream technologies to date, serves the purpose of including learners with and without visual impairments, on both technological and social levels.” (Wiazowski, RESNA Assistive Technology, October 2014, vol. 26, no. 4) „The ease of depressing the buttons, the device’s ergonomic design, its speech reinforcement, its ability to correct errors, and the visual display on the … Read more

Braille Literacy

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– we all need to be literate. Education and employment both require us to be literate; this is no less so for the blind citizen. Literacy for the sighted person begins in early childhood, where we are bombarded by signs, labels, printed packaging and captions on TV. Already the blind child is being marginalised, so they need really effective learning tools to help bridge the gap. We will add new content to this page as we receive new input and … Read more

Resources for Parents and Families

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Advantages of the Mountbatten Brailler to the Student: Skill Building. Introduces students to a wide range of computer concepts within the process of learning Braille. Things like using the keyboard, saving information in memory, working with files, control of speech output and many more. Students learn these skills easily, as a side-effect of using a modern Braille writing tool. Easy transition to other technologies and devices. Print to Braille and Braille to Print. Simple easy translation between Braille and print. … Read more

Mountbatten resources for Schools and Parents

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Many of the resources you’ll find on this page are also available from the Downloads page. Click on links to open PDF files, or right-click on the link and choose „Save Link As” to download the file. Advantages of the Mountbatten Brailler to the Teacher: Sharing Resources: Files, work sheets and class exercises can all be shared digitally. A Braille Embosser is always on hand for those last minute Braille documents. One Device fulfils Many Needs: The Mountbatten is suitable … Read more

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